I personally welcome you to my website. Some who visit are just curious about counseling and therapy or looking for information about a particular topic. Others come because I was recommended by their doctor, minister or friend and they want to find out more about me and the counseling and therapy services offered through my practice. You may have come today, ready to seek counseling or therapy and want to make sure that I will be the best fit for you or your family. However you arrived, I’m glad you are here.
If you have time, please watch the short video to get an overview of my practice and what you might expect should you decide to make an appointment. The video will provide not only information, but an introduction to who I am, how I work, and what I believe. Finding a counselor or therapist is a very important and personal business and I created this website so that you may have as much information as possible before you make a choice and set up an appointment. I would love a chance to work with you but even more so, I want you to find the best therapist “for you and/or your family” before you commit to your first appointment. It’s much like trying on clothes and I hope that this video will let you know if I am a “good fit” for you.
Dr. Robert S. Maris, Ph.D., P.A.
P.S. Please feel free to “roam” around our site and send any questions you have through the contact us page.